You may not sell GENCONT to anyone else.
You may not provide it for free. Refer interested parties to our website.
If you use the program we should be acknowledged.
If you produce a scientific paper you should cite one or more of the following
- Meuwissen T.H.E. 1997 Maximizing the response of selection with a predefined rate of inbreeding. Journal of Animal Science 75, 934?40.
- Meuwissen T.H.E., Sonesson A.K. 1998 Maximizing the response of selection with a predefined rate of inbreeding: overlapping generations. J. Anim. Sci., 76, 2575-2583.
- Sonesson A.K., Meuwissen T.H.E. 2001 Minimization of rate of inbreeding for small populations with overlapping generations. Genet. Res. 77, 285-292.
- Meuwissen T.H.E. 2002 Gencont: an operational tool for controlling inbreeding in selection and conservation schemes. In: 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, 28-20 Montpellier, France
We cannot be held responsible for any commercial damage that you think is the result of using Gencont.
Furthermore you are not entitled to any support whatsoever. If you do need support we may provide it on a commercial basis.
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